Saturday, June 6, 2009

Referral Love for January-May 2009

I have not offered a thank you posting for a while so I shall rectify the matter immediately!

There have been many kind people and blogs that have mentioned Frugal Pursuit and driven additional traffic to my modest postings. I appreciate the links from blog home pages and tweets of my offerings. Thanks to all those who have commented; I enjoy hearing from my readers. To save you the frustration of visiting my blog and finding I have not posted yet again, please subscribe to my RSS feed. This is an easy way to get updates without the time-consuming visits to my URL.

Top Five Referrers (excluding search engines):
1. (I swear these cannot all be my visits!)
4. (Have subscribed to the RSS feed and enjoying the posts)

Top Five Articles for 2009 (YTD):
1. Creative reuses for plastic bags Thank you to @lighterfootstep for tweeting my posting.
2. Roundabout mortgage payment with escrow
3. Eating what you want for less Thanks again to @lighterfootstep for the tweet of my post.
4. A brief overview of Roth IRAs I am always looking for more information on retirement accounts; the popularity of this post shows I am not the only one.
5. Getting my 2009 tax refund now

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